
Yes, I'm alive. No, I'm not a zombie.

Woah...I haven't posted here in a while.  However, it's all for good reason.  I've been very creatively busy!

In June I was offered wall space in the gallery of Chiropractic & Wellness on Pewaukee Lake.  They were looking for something natural, peaceful, and relaxing.  My work will be hanging in the space through August.  

During July Gallery Night two of my photos were in a group show titled "Reclaiming Beauty."  I sold my very first piece of art during the show!!


During October Gallery Night, I'll be having a solo show at The Sparrow Collective in Bay View.  This is going to be my very first solo show, and I'll have updates as I get more info.

My new art site www.loraellingson.com is up, but still a bit under construction.

Finally, a t-shirt design of mine is going to be featured on a rad website www.riptapparel.com.
They sell one different shirt design every 24 hrs.  You should really check them out!

As always, I'm busy with work, freelance, and trying to start a new band.  Life is good.

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